OHS Policy

OHS Policy

As Adoksan Tekstil, we hereby undertake to;

  • take all kinds of measures, to keep tools and Personal Protective Equipment available, and to ensure that they are used when necessary in accordance with the OHS regulations in force and other OHS-related requirements in order to ensure the health and safety of employees, subcontractors and visitors in the workplace,
  • train our employees on occupational health and safety, to provide them with the necessary competencies in this regard and to increase their personal awareness,
  • Can ve mal güvenliği için tehlike oluşturan yangın, yaralanma ve hastalık gibi tehlikelere karşı tüm tedbirleri almayı ve bu konuyla ilgili yürütülen çalışmaların uygulanabilirliğini denetlemeyi ve gerekli güncellemeleri yapmayı,
  • take all measures against dangers such as fire, injury and disease that pose a danger to the safety of life and property, to supervise the applicability of the studies carried out on this subject and to make the necessary updates,
  • provide a safe, healthy and ergonomic workplace environment for employees by making risk assessments in a way that will reduce and eliminate the risks that may cause work accidents and occupational diseases in the workplace,
  • improve existing investments that will minimize occupational health and safety risks,
  • take occupational health and safety and legal regulations into account while making new investments,
  • improve the existing Occupational Health and Safety conditions in this direction, with the understanding of continuous improvement and development, and to ensure their continuity.